OK, enough with the -20(F) already !! It's not even Christmas, for crying out loud. I guess we've been spoiled with the mild global warming winters the past few years, haven't we.
My left knee just won't cooperate. Sore and stiff one minute, good to go the next. Arthritis sucks, but, at least I can still ride with no discomfort. Running, even on the tread mill, is out for now.
According to the Wii, I've lost 4.9 lbs in 17 days. Not bad, considering we've been to several holiday parties, all featuring some very scrumptious vittles. The combination of Wii workouts, biking, and pushing away from the buffet seems to be working.
Being off of work seems to be good for a couple of things. Working out and cooking time is at a plus, so I'm doing better at both. Preparing more nutritious meals and going out for dinner less often means eating better and saving cash. Plus, eating right means more energy with which to burn doing quality training.
I've been researching European bike tours, and the place I'd like go go is Spain. The food, cities, and people all interest me the most, with Italy a close second. Belgium would be cool for the beer and spring classics. I hope to go in a couple of years. That's my goal at this point. I think setting a goal is the first step in doing something, so I've been puttting aside a little money each week to make it happen.
Stay warm....