A couple of more days left on the Doxycycline and I should be good to go. I'm feeling much better, but still get fatigued easily. I've tried to ride this last week, but in a few blocks, my legs felt like cement. At least he nasty body aches and light-headedness are gone. It looks like my next door neighbor may have gotten Lyme's too. More and more people I've run into have had it or know someone who has contracted it in the last couple of years. Be careful out there...
Glad to hear its getting better. i got the all clear from the fracture clinic on Weds. Resume all activities, no restrictions. 4-5 weeks before I can expect full movement in the elbow joint but otherwise OK. Might leave off roading for a while tho'. I'm doing 300 miles of road riding in a few weeks down to my Mum's then on to Jayne's Mum's.
Keep well
I'm going to get out for a spin tomorrow. I feel pretty much normal again, so we'll see how it goes.
Happy to hear that your recovery is progressing well.
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