Things have got to change. Get out and vote. I don't want to hear anybody complain about government if you did not vote. I don't believe either party has a good grip on how to fix this mess, but I will participate in the process anyway. The polar right and left have messed things up for too long, time to unite the center and straighten things out.
Events yesterday really hit home on how bad things have gotten, how out of reality this nations priorities are. I got the proverbial pink slip when I got to work yesterday. Wow. The first time in over 33 years I have been out of a job not on my own volition. I kind of saw it coming, but didn't want to believe it would happen to me. And I'm not the only one. Business without a firm plan are dropping people left and right. No one is safe in the current economy. No one.
So just get out and vote.
you lost your job? Oh no??? that's really really crappy. Sorry man.
Sorry to hear of the pink slip. They have handed them out at our place of employment Duluth...bummmer. More time to bike if the knee can handle it????
I was getting tired of my job and I was letting it get me down. Then just last week I decided to try a new attitude. That being, "I should be happy I have a job with so many people losing their jobs in this bad economy". I had a great week because I realized how bad things could get. Hope things turn around for you.
My take on the politics in this country...OK, glad you asked. I don't blame the republicans or the democrats for the sitiuation we're in. I blame the republicans and the democrats. They're both to blame. And they work together to restrict any access by anyone that doesn't have money or isn't one of them. I vote, but I haven't voted for a repubican or a democrat in a national election in over 16 years. But who listens to me, I ride a bike.
Jeff - I'm told it's not a permanent deal, but who knows...
rlove- the knee's doing pretty good, I got out for 3 hrs yesterday. It held up better than the rest of me.
doug - My sentiments exactly. I try to vote independent or libertarian when I can.
Sorry about the pink slip. That really sucks.
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