Saturday, July 5, 2008

Family Fun On The Fourth!!

Ah, another Saturday wasted at my place of gainful employment. This one came a week earlier, as I switched with one of my cohorts so I could have next weekend off to celebrate my brother in-laws retirement. He has retired from the navy after many years in Italy, and has divorced and moved back here with his 2 sons. They seem to be adapting well to the US of A very well. I'm mildly disappointed though, because being Italian, they should know something about bikes. Alas, they prefer soccer and basketball. I'll be working on that, rest assured.

While the clan packed into my mini-van to go to the Fourth of July parade in Moose lake, I opted to ride my bike. I left about 10 minutes earlier than they did, and arrived before they did. Seems they had to park a ways away and walk to the parade route. They had seen me on the Munger Trail from the road about half way there, but I still arrived at the actual parade before them. The weather was perfect and the small town parade was kinda cool. Old cars, trucks, tractors. candy for the kids, floats featuring the local queens of this and that.

On the ride back, I took a couple of side roads and checked out some new two track roads through the woods and farm fields in the area. A couple of crashes, mud holes and stream crossing later, I looked the part of the hard core XC rider you see in the magazines. No damage to either body or bike, so it was all good. An after lunch 2 hour spin on the road bike made for 4 hours in the saddle for the day. I got in an hour and a half on the MTB Thurday evening, so my time spent riding is building back up. Better late than never, but the knee slowed me down in the earlier part of the year. The Velo Duluth century is coming up in 2 weeks, so I need to bank some longer rides soon....

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